The Hypocrisy of Ugly Men

When ugly men are rejected for how they look, they often feel as if some grave injustice has been committed.

You see, they believe that it is wrong to reject a man based solely or primarily off of his looks, and that you should judge a man for who he is on the inside…and that sounds good and all, except for the fact that these same men often judge women based off nothing more than their looks…

This is the hypocrisy of ugly men.

There are a lot of ugly men, not all of them, but a lot of them, where if they get rejected, they say, “there’s more to me than just how I look,” or, “you’d like me if you got to know me,” but if a woman were to say those same things, they’d laugh at her.

These men say, “I know I’m not handsome, but I’m a good man,” and expect the woman to look past their appearance, but if a woman says, “I know I’m not pretty, but I’m a good woman”…they laugh at her.

They think, “she’s a woman…who the fuck cares about her personality.”

These men think that men are worth more than just how they look, but women are worth nothing more than how they look.

Now I’m not the type of guy who shouts sexism at every turn, but hot damn, that’s sexist.

Some of these men even go so far as to claim that the government should subsidize prostitutes for ugly men, because no one should have to live a life without sex, just because they’re ugly, but those same men constantly shout that ugly women deserve to die alone.

These men should be ashamed of themselves.


Now, rejecting someone based off of their looks is fine, since you can’t be with someone who you don’t find physically attractive, but where these men go wrong, is that they think that men should be judged for who they are, while women should be judged only for their looks.

These men need to stop complaining about women applying standards that they themselves use.

Unless you are willing to date ugly women regardless of the fact that she is ugly, then you cannot expect women to date you regardless of the fact that you are ugly.

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