To The Men Who Don’t Want Kids

A lot of men choose to not have kids because they think they don’t want a family…but that’s often not true, they just don’t realize it.

You see, the real reason most men choose to not have kids, isn’t because they don’t want to have a family, but because they can’t find a good woman to have a family with.

You see, a lot of men are surrounded by low-class women, women who are lazy, undisciplined, uneducated, and entitled, in which when they look around, all they see are women who would make bad mothers, which causes them to not want kids.

Being surrounded by these types of women, women who would be horrible mothers, makes it easy for men to be repulsed by the idea of having kids, because when they do imagine having kids, they imagine having them with the repulsive women that they are surrounded by.

And this is often worsened by social media where men are bombarded by videos of women who are fat and ugly, but who expect rich and handsome men, and videos of women bragging about how much money they’re getting for child support.

It’s not that men don’t want to have kids, they just don’t want to have kids…with the women around them.


Now, most men don’t realize this and instead make up all sorts of rationalizations to not have kids.

They will say that they don’t want kids because being childless allows them the freedom to do whatever they want, whenever they want, but for most men, this is all one big lie to avoid facing the reality that they do want kids, but can’t find a good woman.

Most Men Want Kids

Most men do want to have a family, but this desire is slowly beaten out of them, year after year as they fail to find a good woman, until eventually they trick themselves into thinking that they don’t want kids to protect themselves from the painful reality that they do want kids, but can’t find a good woman.

And this leaves a profound emptiness in most men, because as much as they try to rationalize not having kids, deep down, most men want kids.

And if you are one of these men, and you want to start a family, but you can’t find a good woman, you have to keep trying.

Even if it takes you 10 years, and 500 dates to find a good woman, the instant you find her, it will all have been worth it.

Do not stop just because it is difficult.

If having a family means the world to you, you must not stop until you find a good woman, and I assure you, they are out there, you just need to keep looking.

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