The Real Reason Good Men Don’t Want You

A lot of women complain that the only men who want them are losers, and that the good men aren’t interested, and that no matter how much they try to figure out why, they just can’t figure it out…

Well, I have the answer, and it’s profoundly simple.

If the only men who want you are losers…it means you’re a loser too.

Why Good Men Don’t Want You

You see, the value of the men who want a woman is reflective of the value of the woman.

And this is because people often pursue people in line with their own value.

Or put differently:

Mediocre men don’t pursue great women, and great men don’t pursue mediocre women.

In which if the only men who want you are losers…you’re probably a loser yourself.

Men Do Not Determine My Value!

But I can already hear women crying, “men do not determine my value!”

And you’re right, at least technically.

The quality of men who want you does not determine your value, but it is reflective of your value.

You can’t say that a woman is a great woman if the only men who want her are felons and drug addicts.

If she was truly a great woman, then great men would want her!

But you’re right, the quality of men who want you does not determine a woman’s value, but it is reflective of a woman’s value.

The Deniers

And the women who would deny this are the women who are only pursued by mediocre men, and who are completely baffled because they think they’re a 10, but if you were a 10, then other 10’s would want you, but since they don’t, guess the fuck what…you’re not a 10!

If you want a good estimate of what you’re worth, look at the quality of the men who want to date you.

If you are pursued by men who are intelligent, mature, competent, and disciplined, then you must be an extraordinary woman, but if the only men who want you are dumb, uneducated, poor, and lazy…well guess the fuck what…you’re a mediocre loser!

Just imagine if someone applied to be a chef at every restaurant in the country, but the only place that wanted them was McDonald’s, but then they have the audacity to still think that they’re a great chef…

If the only men who want you are losers…it means you’re a loser too.

Results Do Not Lie

And for the women who still disagree…results do not lie.

You can tell yourself you’re a 10 all you like, you can even think you’re the most extraordinary woman on the planet, but if the men who want you are all losers…then you’re a loser too.

You can whine and complain all you want, but at the end of the day, results do not lie.

If the only men who want you are losers, then you’re a loser too.

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