Women often become full of themselves if a lot of men want to fuck them, but men wanting to fuck you means NOTHING, because men will put their dick in just about anything.
Jar of peanut butter, check.
Vacuum hose, check.
Freshly cooked hot-pocket…probably!
A man wanting to put his dick inside of you doesn’t mean anything…at least not without context.
Quantity vs Quality
What many women fail to realize, is that what is important is NOT the quantity of men who want you, but the quality of men who want you.
For example, imagine you had a friend and all of the neighborhood drug addicts wanted to fuck her, would you think she’s amazing?
Of course not, because losers would fuck anything!
Now imagine you had a friend and all of the extraordinary men in the neighborhood wanted to fuck her, would you think she’s amazing?
Yes, because only a great woman could attract great men.
What is important is NOT the quantity of men who want a woman, but the quality of men who want them.
Women need to stop acting like they’re goddesses just because thousands of desperate losers want to fuck them.
And for a golden example of women failing to discern between the quantity of men who want them and the quality of men who want them, you need look no further than instagram.
The Instagram Delusion
A lot of instagram “models” think they’re amazing because their pictures get thousands of likes…but 999 out of every 1,000 of those likes are from desperate losers who have no confidence, no competence, and who would fuck anyone with a pulse…so I don’t know why the fuck they think they’re so amazing.
Thousands of losers want you…what a fucking achievement!
But it’s not only Instagram models.
Twitch streamers need to stop thinking so highly of themselves just because thousands of desperate losers want them.
Girls on Tinder need to stop thinking they’re queens just because thousands of desperate losers want them.
And yes, I’m sure it just sounds like I’m angry at women, but this same shit applies to men and sex.
It’s The Same For Men
Men need to stop thinking they’re gods just because they’ve fucked dozens of brainless imbeciles from the club.
…you fucked an unthinking moron with no standards who was drunk…what a fucking achievement!
What is important is NOT the quantity of women you fuck, but the quality of women you fuck.
Ultimately, to bring it back to women, women need to stop judging themselves by the quantity of men who want them, and start judging themselves by the quality of men who want them.