Is Lying About Being On The Pill…Rape?

Many men, me included, have had women surprise us with one of the worst things a man can hear after having sex…“I’m not on the pill.”

And while lying about being on the pill is of course a horrible thing for a woman to do…is it rape?

Is Lying About Being On The Pill…Rape?

Yes, a woman lying about being on the pill is rape.

You see, if a man is having sex with a woman without a condom, but only because the woman said she was on the pill, then his sexual consent is conditional upon her being on the pill, in which if she is in fact NOT on the pill, then his consent is invalidated, and she would be having non-consensual sex with him.

BUT, many would argue that in order to consider an act as rape, force, threats, or drugs must be involved…bullshit.

Any non-consensual sex is rape.

Whether consent never occurred, or the consent was invalidated after the fact makes no different to whether or not it is rape.

(Although obviously forced non-consensual sex is a million times worse than non-forced non-consensual sex)

Now, although practically every man can instantly understand how horrible it would be for a woman to lie about being on the pill, a lot of women won’t think it’s a big deal.

To The Women Who Don’t Care

To the women who don’t think that lying about being on the pill is a big deal:

If a man said that he put on a condom, but lied and took it off without you noticing and orgasmed inside of you…did he, or did he not rape you?

He obviously raped you because your consent was conditional upon the usage of a fucking condom!

And a woman lying about being on the pill is no different.


Men, don’t let women trick you into thinking this isn’t a big deal.

If she gets pregnant, the courts aren’t going to care that she lied to you, the only thing they are going to care about is the fact that you got her pregnant, and will happily force you to pay thousands of dollars every month to raise a child that you didn’t consent to having.

Stay safe out there men.

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