Women WANT To Succeed, Men NEED To Succeed

It’s impossible for a woman to meaningfully understand or value a man’s ambition, because women simply don’t need to be ambitious.

Women can go through their entire life, without having achieved a single thing, and still be able to attract 1000’s of men who are willing to take care of them, whereas if a man has achieved nothing, he will be invisible to women.

Women can live a good life, without needing to be successful, intelligent, or educated, because they can simply latch onto a man who isall of those things, whereas if a man wants to live a good life…he needs to work for it.

So to the men out there, don’t expect women to understand or meaningfully value your ambition, your need to succeed, or your need to better yourself, because they simply don’t have those same needs.

Female Ambition Is Not The Same

And even if a woman is ambitious, she still won’t understand a man’s ambition because women do not experience ambition in the same way as a man.

Ambition for a woman, is often nothing more than something fun to try out.

Women can go to college, pursue a career, and then abandon their career at any time just because they’re bored, and jump right back into the dating market and find 1000’s of men who are waiting and willing to take care of them.

…but a man can’t just abandon his career because he’s bored, because unlike women, if we are not successful, we are not attractive.

If men do not pursue succeed in their ambitions, they are guaranteed to live a relatively mediocre life.

And even if a woman treats her ambition as more than just something fun to try out, it’s still not the same because a woman pursuing her ambitions has no real risk.

A woman can pursue her ambitions and fail miserably, and then just decide to be a housewife and live a decent life, with a decent man, and never work another day in her life.

But if a man pursues his ambitions and fails miserably, he can’t just latch onto a successful woman…he’s gonna have to work.

And before the feminists attack me, a woman’s ambition is not of a lesser value than a man’s ambition, it simply does not come with the same risks or importance.

Ultimately, a man’s ambition and a woman’s ambition, are simply not the same.

Women are ambitious because they want to be, men are ambitious because they need to be.

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