How To Not Feel Worthless After Being Rejected

A lot of men will be rejected by a woman who doesn’t know anything about them, but yet, they will completely fall apart after being rejected.

They will begin asking themselves, “why was I not good enough,” “am I undeserving of love,” “do I even deserve…to live?”

I know that’s what I used to do.

I remember flirting with women on the streets and getting rejected, and walking away broken thinking, “why does no one want me, why am I not good enough?”

But if you have been rejected by a woman who you just met, then she can’t meaningfully know anything about you, in which you shouldn’t begin questioning who you are…because she couldn’t have possibly rejected you for who you are…because she doesn’t know who you are…because she just met you!

Don’t begin questioning your intelligence, your personality, or your value as a man, because her having just met you, means that none of those could have possibly been a factor in you being rejected, in which it would be absolutely absurd to question any of them.

If you are rejected by a woman who doesn’t meaningfully know you, then she is not rejecting you as a person, but simply how you look, which is completely fine, and the rejection should simply be brushed off.

So if you approach a woman on the street and she rejects you, do NOT begin questioning who you are or your value, instead, hold your head up high, and keep moving forward.

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