How Women Can Find Truly Ambitious Men

Many women have experienced the pain of being with a man who they thought was ambitious, only to find out that he was just a delusional loser who only ever talked about his goals, but never actually pursued them.

All women say they want an ambitious man, but most of them end up with men who are nothing more than wishful losers.

So I’m going to explain how women can filter out the wishful men, and find a truly ambitious man.

Ambitious vs Wishful

Now to begin, let’s clarify the difference between an ambitious man and a wishful man.

An ambitious man is a man who both has goals and is meaningfully pursuing them.

A wishful man is a man who has goals, but is NOT meaningfully pursuing them.

And I add the word meaningful in there because it’s not enough to pursue your goals, but to pursue them in such a manner that you have a realistic chance of achieving them.

So if a man wants to be the greatest artist in the world, but he only paints once a week, then even though he is technically pursuing his goal, he is not doing so meaningfully, because there’s no realistic chance in hell that he’ll become the greatest painter on the planet painting only once a week.

Now, to ensure that you’re dating an ambitious man and not just a wishful man, you must validate their ambition.

Validate Their Ambition

Ladies, don’t date men just because they say they have big goals, you must validate that they are meaningfully pursuing their goals.

So if a man says he wants to be an entrepreneur, you need to find out, does he have a product to sell, does he have an audience, does he at least have a detailed business plan, because if not, then he isn’t ambitious…he’s wishful.

If a man says he wants to be a famous musician, you need to find out, how often does he practice, is his music good, does he have a plan to sell his music, because if not, then he isn’t ambitious…he’s wishful.

If a man says he wants to be a great athlete, you need to find out, how often does he practice, how does he compare to other athletes, is his skill level comparable to where it should be given the amount of time he supposedly practices, because if not, then he isn’t ambitious…he’s wishful.

Ladies, you need to validate a man’s ambition, and differentiate between ambitious men, and men who are just wishful.


I’ve seen far too many women meet a man who goes on and on about his lofty goals and his future life of luxury, and they’ll date him because they like his “ambition,” but they fail to ever validate his ambition, and end up 40 years-old dating a broke loser because they falsely equated the man having goals, with him meaningfully pursuing his goals.

Ladies, if you want to live a good life with a successful man, you need to make sure that your man is ambitious, and not just wishful.

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