Should Men Protect The Weak?

Men have been told since they were children that men should protect the weak…but that’s wrong, men should not protect the weak, but rather, men should protect the innocent, and not all those who are weak, are innocent.

And to express my premise succinctly:

Men should not protect the weak indiscriminately, men should instead only protect the weak who are weak through no fault of their own, or through rational ignorance.

Weak Through No Fault Of Your Own

So if you have cancer because of nothing more than bad luck, I will help you, but if you have cancer from smoking cigarettes for 20 years, I will not help you.

I don’t care if you’re on the ground gasping for air fighting desperately to live…I will not help you.

I will stand there and watch you suffer, because you deserve to.

I refuse to waste my life helping those who clearly don’t care about their own.

I refuse to help those whose suffering is due to incompetence.

Now if you’re a child who is hungry because your parents abandoned you, I will help you, but if you’re an adult who is hungry because you keep spending all of your money on drugs and alcohol, I will not help you.

I will stand there and watch you suffer, because you deserve to.

I will watch you wither away day by day, as you slowly become a living skeleton.

I refuse to give my money to help those who waste their own.

Now if someone lost their job because they spoke out against corruption, I will help them.

But if someone lost their job because they were corrupt, I will NOT help them.

If someone is homeless because their house burned down from an accidental fire, I will help them.

But if someone is homeless because they set their own house on fire trying to scam the insurance company, I will NOT help them.

I refuse to waste my time and money shielding the incompetent and immoral against the consequences of their actions.

They knew what they were doing, they knew they shouldn’t do it, but they did it anyway.

Being Weak Does NOT Mean You Deserve Help

And no, being weak does not make someone deserving of help.

The hungry, by their nature, do NOT deserve help.

The cold, by their nature, do NOT deserve help.

The homeless, by their nature, do NOT deserve help.

They only deserve help if they are hungry, cold, or homeless through no fault of their own, or through rational ignorance.


I will only protect those who are weak through no fault of their own, or through rational ignorance, and so should you.

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