Some men like when women are psychologically damaged, because psychological damage often severs the connection between a woman’s beauty and her standards.
You see, most women’s standards are determined primarily by their physical beauty, in which if a man wants to be with a beautiful woman, he typically needs to be an extraordinary man, but if a woman is psychologically damaged, she can be the most beautiful woman on the planet, but yet, a man would need to be no more than average to have a chance with her.
And to go more in-depth:
A damaged woman’s standards typically decreases in proportion to her level of psychological damage, in which even if you are a worthless loser, as long as you can find a sufficiently damaged woman, you can date a woman who is beautiful.
This is how drug dealers, drug addicts, and the lowest scum of society are able to date physically beautiful women, it is because they are profoundly psychologically damaged.
And this is why some men get excited when they see a girl who is attractive, but who has piercings, tattoos, or colored hair, it’s not because they like piercings, tattoos, or colored hair, but because they see a woman who is attractive, but whose standards won’t be in line with her beauty.
Ultimately, men like damaged women because psychologically damaged women allow men a sort of short-cut in their sex life.
Damaged women allow men to experience sexual selection in the same way that women experience it, in that in the same way that mediocre women can have sex with a handsome man, mediocre men can have sex with a beautiful woman.
Or put differently, men like women who are psychologically damaged, because damaged women allow men to have sex with beautiful women without needing to work hard to become the type of man who can attract beautiful women.